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Max. Interactive | Compulite | Reframer | PrintShop LiveMail | Eye Candies | Makers of the 20th Century |  
I have co-founded, and held the creative director role at Max. interactive ltd., a leading Israeli e-services consulting company .
My responsibilities included: setting vision and driving concepts and strategies throughout the creative and development processes, managing projects, communicating the design to clients, managing and mentoring the design staff, and recruiting new talent.

Case study : Compulite (2000/1)
Experience design, Creative directon
Design of a professional stage lighting application

Case Study : Praxis's Reframer (2002)
Experience design, Creative directon

Design of an Interactive mind-mapping tool that supports “Systemic reframing thinking” methodology

Max. Interactive's website (2003)
Showcase of Max.'s portfolio and information about the company.

Max interactive's website

About Max. Interactive
The company was founded in 1999 in Tel Aviv, Israel. MAX. is the abbreviation for Maximum, and that's what we've always thrived for.
Max. Interactive was an e-services consulting company that combined strategic

business goals, user-centered design approach, and unique visual offering to produce useful and engaging digital products and experiences.
To achieve this goal we built up a multidisciplinary team that could answer the changing needs of our clients. The team's various backgrounds included: strategy, design, research, human factors and UI, and technology.

Team work and collaboration were a key factor in our ability to truly understand our clients' needs and to suggest out of the box solutions, which would contribute to their business success

Our services included web design, interaction design, GUI development, rich media productions, branding and research. Our projects ranged from designing desktop and web applications, through corporate web sites to promotional presentations and marketing collateral.

A sample of Max. Interactive ltd's projects. Our clients ranged from big to small, from corporations to startups, they came from diverse industries, but were all united by the pusuit for quality.




We addressed each project from three perspectivs:
1. The end users and their needs (What are their real problems? What are the real tasks they have to perform? What do they need for completing the tasks, and feel good about it?)
2. The product and its needs (What are the product's qualities that would differentiate it from others in its field? What can it innovate to its users and to the way this task was done so far? How can it improve the experience? What new experiences and perceptions can it offer?)
3. The clients and their needs (business success is the obvious one, but sometimes looking good in the eyes of the boss or beating internal company competition were equally important goals)

It is a common knowledge in consumer product world, that in order to make products people want, they must be desirable and appealing, create a sense of belonging, or be a status symbol. In short - fulfill psychological needs beyond their functionality.
We have tried to implement this approach in the digital products we have designed for our clients. To be able to achieve this goal we studied the end users, tried to figure out what they needed, but also what they really desire: How can the use of a certain product (application, website) make them feel good about themselves?
The digital product should be a seducer, tempting in its qualities, creating an experience that encourages frequent use, and projrcting on the image of its users.
I believe it's time that people will relate to applications as they relate to consumer objects: cars, watches or pens- With emotion, with personal care. Design plays a major role in creating this shift in thinking.

Please enter MAX.Interactive's site to view the full portfolio of web design, UI and GUI design, Interactive and printed marketing oriented design and Branding projects.

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THE Clients

Among our clients you could find companies from domains such as VOIP, eMail, Long distance learning, integrated messaging solutions, push services, personal workspace technologies, M-commerce, search, stage lighting, wireless communication, VCs, streaming video solutions, e-manufacturing, satellite network based telecommunications solutions, broadband service management, e-commerce, on-line betting, Customer Care and Billing (CC&B) systems, instant messaging, video and real-time image processing technologies, medical applications, Network management, security, Advertising and more.


My past projects
Read my CV